Sheet metal compound beams
FVS S.p.A. produces beams made of sheet metal, with a thickness greater than 8mm.
Welded composite beams are made in the workshop by welding sheet metal and large plates. This technique makes it possible to obtain, by means of simple welding operations, sections constructed with shapes and dimensions otherwise not obtainable with normal hot rolling. They are usually box-like or double-T sections; these structural elements are commonly used to cover large spans. They therefore have a wide use in the construction of large infrastructures. The use of large, high-strength sheets offers, for example, the possibility of significantly reducing the size of the sections that make up the deck of the bridges.
Even in these productions, industrialization is essential to obtain competitive costs on the market:
sheet metal cutting is obtained using plasma cutting systems or oxy-fuel cutting systems, assembly is managed by manipulators and welding is performed with automated submerged arc welding systems. Subsequently, the beams thus composed continue the further processing such as drilling, dressing with reinforcing plates and surface protection treatment.